Family Resources & Testimonials
The mission of The P.L.A.Y. Project® is to support parents in having a joyful relationship with their children who have an autism spectrum disorder in order to help the child reach their full potential. Over the last 10 years, thousands of families have discovered the joy that fun, playful, interaction brings and families have seen their children grow developmentally and socially as a result of PLAY.
Family Resources
Every parent wants to discover the potential within his or her child. Autism: The Potential Within by Richard Solomon M, describes the journey of Jacob Grant – a composite of all young children with autism – and his family as they learn The PLAY Project approach.Purchase your copy here.
These courses, centered around a PLAY Project framework, provide parents and caregivers with practical help for building a joyful, meaningful relationship with the children in their life…Click here to see courses
Read information on varying topics of new research findings, helpful tips and resources curated through the years. Click here to read The PLAY Project’s Blog.
Based on The PLAY Project’s evidence-based parent implemented model, the guide is a parent friendly, in-depth review of The PLAY Project’s 7 Circles of PLAY, including the 4 Principles and 5 Methods of PLAY, plus all 40+ Techniques (with examples!), and lots of fun activities that parents can do with their child based on the child’s developmental level. Purchase your copy here.
The best way to start your family using the PLAY Project Autism Intervention is to connect with a Certified PLAY Project Consultant near you. Click here to find a PLAY Project Consultant certified expert near you.
Click on the links below to access additional resources.
- Advocacy – 5 Reasons Why Insurance Companies Should Cover Parent Implemented Models* for Autism Intervention
- Autism speaks 100 day kit
- Autism Speaks
- Profectum’s Free Parent Tool Box
- OCALI’s Autism Internet Modules
- Autism Parenting Magazine’s Free Guide
- Intervening Early – An initiative of The CHILDHOOD League Center
Family Testimonials
Ben Gretchko
Read About Ben
The Gretchko family began working with PLAY Project when Ben was diagnosed with autism around 3-years-old.
Fast forward 15 years later and watch Ben deliver a commencement speech at his high school graduation.
Dominic Vorrasi
Read About Dominic
The Course of Life. In this touching story, a wonderful family (including a great big brother) tells about using The PLAY Project approach when Dom was young and how it made a huge difference in the course of his life.
See how Dominic emerged from autistic isolation to being a full participant in the life of his family and his community.
Read About Milo
Milo is a patient of Kirsten Brown OTR who offers PLAY Project services in Kentucky’s Early Intervention system. In this series of 3 videos, we see Milo make progress over time as his parents learn the methods of PLAY.
Click through 3 videos to see how Milo progresses.
Read About Kouyate
Four-and-a-half-year-old Kouyate, has higher functioning autism, but still has challenges with engagement.
Dr. Rick Solomon’s session with Kouyate and his parents as he shares some of the PLAY Project early intervention’s techniques for engaging children with autism spectrum disorder.
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