This 2 day workshop provides an in-depth introduction to The PLAY Project's parent-implemented model of autism intervention.
Professional Resources & Testimonials
The P.L.A.Y. Project® trains a global network of pediatric professionals and child development experts to deliver an evidence-based, cost effective, intensive developmental intervention to families of young children with autism spectrum disorders.
Professional Resources
Our online courses — from The Welcome Course to The Intensive Workshops Online to PLAY Certification — provide professionals with practical coaching skills so families can have a joyful, meaningful relationship with their autistic children. Click here to see courses
Every parent wants to discover the potential within his or her child. Autism: The Potential Within by Richard Solomon M, describes the journey of Jacob Grant – a composite of all young children with autism – and his family as they learn The PLAY Project approach.Purchase your copy here.
Click on the links below to access additional resources.
Based on The PLAY Project’s evidence-based parent implemented model, the guide is a parent friendly, in-depth review of The PLAY Project’s 7 Circles of PLAY, including the 4 Principles and 5 Methods of PLAY, plus all 40+ Techniques (with examples!), and lots of fun activities that parents can do with their child based on the child’s developmental level. Purchase your copy here.
The best way to start helping families is to learn about certification. Click here to learn how to become a PLAY Project Consultant.
Our blogs cover various topics of interest to parents and professionals including Dr.Rick’s clinical approach for children with autism as a developmental behavioral pediatrician, the importance of early intensive intervention, helping children with autism become better emotional thinkers etc. Click here to read The PLAY Project’s Blogs.
Professional Testimonials
Professional Video Testimonial
“The PLAY Project itself [is] simply brilliant! It opens up a whole new possibility of presenting a child-oriented, parent/caretaker- involved, flexible system, less expensive, and adapted to almost any environment, even if resource deprived.” – Administrator
“This program gives the family such power and fulfillment. It gives them the opportunity to form relationships with their children they may not have had without this program.” – ABA Therapist
Professional Courses
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