“I used to dread my therapy time with [my child] before PLAY Project (with the more skills-based therapy and even some types of play therapy that I had tried) because I felt under so much pressure. I never knew if he would do what I wanted him to do or not, and I just dreaded it so much. Now I don’t have trouble putting in the time. It’s just so different and liberating.”
All aboard The PLAY Project train going to…
The following ‘Training Destinations’
All courses are presented by Richard Solomon, MD and PLAY Project Master Trainers

All PLAY Project training programs are fun to learn, practical to implement, and effective in helping families.
Professionals can easily adapt our approach to their existing services.
This training destination will take parents and professionals to our short courses for introductory information about the basics of The 7 Circles of The PLAY Project, Teaching PLAY for classrooms, and short parenting courses.
This training destination will take parents and professional to our intensive workshops which, through discussion and multiple video case studies, go into more depth about The PLAY Project and Teaching PLAY models.
This training destination will take professionals to our evidence-based, full certification programs so child development providers can expertly and practically implement our model with families and/or school staff.
Destination: Blue Line.
This training destination will take parents and professionals to our short courses for introductory information about the basics of The 7 Circles of The PLAY Project, Teaching PLAY for classrooms, and short parenting courses.
Recommended: Professionals, parents and caregivers of children with ASD; early childhood professionals, including therapists, educators, and paraprofessionals.
Presenter: Dr. Richard Solomon
Course Description: In “Welcome to The PLAY Project™”, Dr. Rick, presents the fundamentals of this evidence-based, developmental approach to engaging children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), traits of autism or other neurodivergent children. Parents and professionals will learn practical tips to use right away with the young child with ASD in their life. Join the course to watch video case studies of PLAY Autism Intervention in action. Participate in interactive activities that will help you learn how to understand a child’s unique profile, including their social-emotional development and sensory needs. Most importantly, learn how to use the power of play to help children with ASD learn and grow through joyful relationships!
Participants will learn:
- How The PLAY Project™ helps parents connect with their young child on the spectrum
- Practical methods and techniques for playful engagement, demonstrated through video case studies
- The 7 Circles of The PLAY Project™: the step-by-step guide to this evidence-based model
- The most current scientific evidence for The PLAY Project
Course time: Approximately 2 hours
Presenter: Onna Solomon, LMSW, Lead Trainer
Course Description: Students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are often hard to engage in the classroom setting which makes learning difficult for them. This Teaching PLAY course introduces teachers and school staff to an innovative approach for helping students with ASD increase engagement and interaction in school. Our motto is: “Improved interaction leads to improved academics.”
Participants will learn:
- How to effectively engage a student with ASD
- How to use a student’s developmental profile to individualize instruction
- How to create time in the day for Teaching PLAY
- How to build fun into the classroom
Course time: Approximately 1.5 hours
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Parenting the Child with Autism and Traits of Autism
- Transition Tricks: 20 practical strategies for helping the child with autism successfully navigate the many transitions in their daily life
- Webinars: “A selection of practical webinars covering topics including sleep, emotions, school readiness and literacy. Click to see a list of webinars
- Blogs: “Curated by PLAY Project medical director and founder, Richard Solomon, MD, covering a wide array of topics including grief, holidays and inspiring family stories. Click to see a list of blogs
- Podcast: In the podcast series ‘Autism: 10 Lessons for Life’, Dr. Rick shares his insights and conducts heartfelt interviews with families affected by autism. These authentic conversations provide practical advice based on 10 key lessons, aiming to support individuals with autism in reaching their full potential. Click to see all episodes
Destination: Red Line.
This training destination will take parents and professional to our intensive workshops which, through discussion and multiple video case studies, go into more depth about The PLAY Project and Teaching PLAY models.
Recommended: Professionals, parents and caregivers of children with ASD; early childhood professionals, including therapists, educators, and paraprofessionals.
Presenter: Dr. Richard Solomon
Formats: Live, Livestream and the new PLAY Intensive Online Workshop (PLAY IWO)
Course Description: The PLAY Project is a parent implemented, intensive intervention program for young children (18 months-6 years) with autism that is evidence-based. Get an overview of The PLAY Project methods and principles to gain skills in helping children with autism! The workshop consists of case studies, video analysis of parent and child interaction, interactive activities, and live sessions that answer your questions about engaging children with autism and other developmental delays through play.
Participants will learn:
- Explain the 7 Circles of PLAY and how they relate to the PLAY Autism Intervention Program when working with children with ASD
- Define intensive autism intervention, including interventions that are categorized as play-based, developmental, and behavioral
- Identify techniques that help improve language, social skills, behavior, development, and play skills of children with autism
- Describe Greenspan’s 6 Functional Developmental Levels (FDLs) and how they relate to The PLAY Project Autism Intervention
- Identify the behaviors and symptoms of children who have sensory processing challenges
- Describe how a child’s unique profile is created and develop a plan to improve the child’s social interactions based on this profile
- Identify developmental progress and PLAY Project methods & techniques through the review of video case studies
Course time: Approximately 10 hours
Course Description: Teaching PLAY is a classroom application of The PLAY Project that focuses on a child’s functional development and interaction so children with autism will be more successful in school both socially and academically.
Participants will learn:
- List the Principles and Methods of the Teaching PLAY’s developmental approach to engaging children with autism
- Identify the 6 Functional Developmental Levels of child social-emotional development
- Define the terms “Comfort Zone” and “Sensory Motor Profile” in relation to a child with autism
- Describe how PLAY can be adapted to the school setting to increase engagement and improve adult/child relationships for students on the autism spectrum
Course time: Approximately 12 hours
“This is one of the best trainings I’ve ever attended. I’m feeling energized and inspired and look forward to taking my learning back to my colleagues to share. The balance of theoretical and practical information, the use of case studies and specifically video documentation.”
– Susan Hemingson, Teacher
September 2020
Destination: Yellow Line.
This training destination will take professionals to our evidence-based, full certification programs so child development providers can expertly and practically implement our model with families and/or school staff.
Recommended: Child Development Professionals ie: (SLP, OT, EI, MSW ,PHD ,MD)
PLAY Project Certification is recommended for pediatric and child development professionals who want to learn how to effectively coach families who have a young child (14 months to 6 years) with an autism spectrum disorder.
PLAY Project Certification is recommended for pediatric and child development professionals who want to learn how to effectively coach families who have a young child (14 months to 6 years) with an autism spectrum disorder or autistic traits.
For those professionals who understand the certification process and want to become Certified and Licensed PLAY Project Consultants
“Our experience with PLAY Project has been such a blessing! Our play project consultant always goes way above and beyond in her role to make sure our family as a whole have our needs met. She has guided through this entire process, and we would be lost without her! The PLAY Project is extremely life changing for our son and for us. I think such a crucial component of the PLAY Project is the fact that everything is laid out for parents. It gives parents the tools to implement this PLAY as a lifestyle. It’s something that becomes second nature. I’m so grateful for the knowledge and tools the PLAY Project and our PPC have given us to continue forward with a successful future! Thank you!”
– Parent
Want to bring a PLAY Project Workshop to you?
The PLAY Project offers various workshops and conferences both nationally and internationally.
If your organization is interested in hosting a PLAY Project workshop, please call us at (734) 585-5333 or fill out the form below.