Michigan Family Subsidy
[contact] Local community mental health services programs (CMHSPs) office, or
Family support Subsidy Office
[phone] 517-241-5773
Autism Society of West Shore
Website incldues a calendar of events for workshops, informal gatherings, and family events.
[email] asws_contact@yahoo.com
[website] www.asws.org
OUcares (Through Oakland University)
Free of charge, schedule on their website.
[website] www.oakland.edu/oucares/
Zion Lutheran Church
143 Albany Street (West side of Woodward between 8 and 9 mile)
Meetings held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7 PM
New Faith Chapel
19478 Middlebelt Rd, Romulus
Meetings held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7 PM
MOSK, Mothers of Special Kids
Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month.
Bennigan’s on Ann Arbor Road just west of I-275.
Moms are invited to “just show up."
[web site] www.sibnet.org
[about] Sibshop is probably the most widespread effort, and it serves brothers and sisters of children and teens with a physical or mental disability. The Web site lists groups across the United States for kids of various ages. The Internet can bring siblings, both adults and children, together at time they deem convenient.
Internet Support Group for Michigan Parents of Children with Autism
[web site] www.onelist.com
[about] There is now a list for parents from Michigan with autistic children. To sign up for the list, go to the website on the Internet, and search for a list called Autism-Michigan. The site will have instructions on how to sign register and communicate with other parents.
Autism Links
Other Helpful Links